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Store Design And Visual Merchandising : Creating Store Space That Encourages Buying

EN Business & Economics 5 years ago 1601
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The creative and science-driven design of the point of sale has become a crucial success factor for both retailers and service businesses. In the newly revised and expanded edition of this book, you will learn some of the shopper marketing secrets from the authors about how you can design your store to increase sales and delight shoppers at the same time. By the time you are through reading, you will have learned how shoppers navigate the store, how they search for products, and how you can make them find the products you want them to see. You will also be able to appeal to shopper emotions through the use of colors, scents, and music, as well as make shopping memorable and fun by creating unique experiences for your shoppers. The focus is on the practical applicability of the concepts discussed, and this accessible book is firmly grounded in consumer and psychological research. At the end of each chapter, you will find several takeaway points. The book concludes with the "Store Design Cookbook," full of ready-to-serve recipes for your own store design and visual merchandising process

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