Download Test And Assess Your Brain Quotient: Discover Your True Intelligence With Tests Of Aptitude, Logic, Memory, EQ, Creative And Lateral Thinking PDF or Ebook ePub For Free with Find Popular Books

Test And Assess Your Brain Quotient: Discover Your True Intelligence With Tests Of Aptitude, Logic, Memory, EQ, Creative And Lateral Thinking

EN Santé, famille et développement personnel il y a 4 ans 1342
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Test and Assess Your Brain Quotient helpsВ readers assess theirВ different types of intelligence: creativity, logic, lateral thinking, memory, and emotional. It consists of numerous tests and assessments which examine agility of mind, powers of logical analysis, numerical, verbal and spatial aptitudes, memory and personality. The results of the tests are then collated into a final section, providing an overall rating or Brain Quotient (BQ). The brain quotient revealsВ one's strengths, such as connecting with people emotionally andВ one's weaknesses, such as a poor memory, helpingВ readers to identify their true potential for achievement. It will helpВ readers build and capitalize on these strengthsВ and improve their performance in areas of weakness.

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