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The Ultimate IQ Test Book: 1,000 Practice Test Questions To Boost Your Brain Power

EN Salud, Familia y Desarrollo Personal il y a 4 ans 1209
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The Ultimate IQ Test Book is the biggest book of IQ practice tests available. Written and compiled by IQ-test experts, it contains 1000 practice questions organized into 25 tests, with a simple guide to assessing individual performance. The questions themselves are very similar to those faced by candidates in actual IQ tests. They are multi-discipline and include verbal, numerical, and diagrammatic reasoning questions, so that readers can practice on all the different types of questions they are likely to encounter. Working through the questions can help anyone improve their vocabulary and develop powers of calculation and logical reasoning. By studying the different types of test and recognizing the different types of questions, readers can improve their test scores and increase their IQ rating. The Ultimate IQ Test Book is valuable to those who have to take an IQ test, but it's also great fun for anyone who likes to stretch their mind for their own entertainment.

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