Download Comedy Writing Secrets: The Best Selling Book On How To Think Funny, Write Funny, Act Funny, And Get Paid For It, 2nd Edition PDF or Ebook ePub For Free with Find Popular Books

Comedy Writing Secrets: The Best Selling Book On How To Think Funny, Write Funny, Act Funny, And Get Paid For It, 2nd Edition

EN Santé, famille et développement personnel il y a 4 ans 1442
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This book is extremely informative as well as entertaining.As someone doing a fair share of writing, and appreciating the use of humor in writing, I have found great value within these pages. I recommend it highly.It convinces you that trying to inject humor into your writing, without studying some of the actual structure and types of humor, puts you at a disadvantage. For anyone interested in adding some humor to increase the impact and lessen the boredom in their written work, this book is a must-have for your personal library.

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