Download Research Methods For Everyday Life: Blending Qualitative And Quantitative Approaches (Research Methods For The Social Sciences) PDF or Ebook ePub For Free with Find Popular Books

Research Methods For Everyday Life: Blending Qualitative And Quantitative Approaches (Research Methods For The Social Sciences)

EN Salud, Familia y Desarrollo Personal il y a 4 ans 1279
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This book offers an innovative introduction to social research. The book explores all stages of the research process and it features both quantitative and qualitative methods. Research design topics include sampling techniques, choosing a research design, and determining research question that inform public opinion and direct future studies. Throughout the book, the authors provide vivid and engaging examples that reinforce the reading and understanding of social science research. "Your Turn" boxes contain activities that allow students to practice research skills, such as sampling, naturalistic observation, survey collection, coding, analysis, and report writing.

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