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Fundamentals Of Human Resource Management: Functions, Applications, Skill Development

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Fundamentals of Human Resource Management:Functions, Applications, Skill Developmenttakes a unique three-pronged approach that gives students a clear understanding of important HRM concepts and functions, shows them how to apply those concepts, and helps them build a strong skill set they can use in their personal and professional lives. Covering the vast majority the 210 required SHRM Curriculum Guidebook topics required for undergraduates,Fundamentals of Human Resource Managementgives the student the ability to successfully manage others in today's work environment. Authors Robert N. Lussier and John R. Hendon engage students with a variety of high-quality applications and skill development exercises to improve students' comprehension and retention. The authors' emphasis on current trends and the challenges facing HR managers and line managers today provide students with key insights on important issues and prepare them for successful careers.
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