Download 201 GREAT IDEAS FOR YOUR SMALL BUSINESS PDF or Ebook ePub For Free with Find Popular Books


EN Business & Economics 5 years ago 1678
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Th  is book is guaranteed to revive your entrepreneurial spirit. If this is your first venture, I promise 201 Great Ideas will help you avoid the biggest potholes on the highway to success.

If you read an earlier edition of this book, you’ll notice plenty of new ideas. Although my contract ca l led for revising about 60 ideas, so much has changed in recent years, I updated every idea and included scores of new ones. This new edition of 201 Great Ideas features great ideas from novice and veteran business owners. Th  ere are no theories. Every idea has been tested in a real business.You’ll meet the amazing business owners I met while traveling coast to coast, ranging from Skagway, Alaska, to Portland, Maine. In Victoria, British Columbia,  I  visited  Smoking  Lily,  a  boutique  claiming  to  be  the  smallest  small business in North America. It occupies 44 square feet of space in a cool, downtown shopping district. T-shirts and scarves hang on the wall. Th  e  young woman who rang up my purchases was perched on a platform about four feet off  the ground in a corner of the closet-sized store. Crazy!
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