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Be Brilliant...Be Bold...Be Beautiful You

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Be Brilliant...Be Bold...Be Beautiful You  By B K Walker

BK Walker is here to help. She will hold your hand and guide you through the entire process from an idea for a book to actually writing a book, getting published, and marketing your book for increased sales, helping you reach your dreams and live your passions.

In this book you will learn:

-How to put your ideas into writing
-How you can write your book in one weekend
-When to start building your author platform
-How to decide which type of publishing is for you (Self-Publishing vs. Traditional)
-Cover Designing to capture your readers
-Writing Killer Synopsis' to close the sale
-Creating a marketing plan
-Marketing on a Shoestring Budget
-Free Writing & Marketing Strategies at

If you're ready to put your dream of writing into action, then this book is for you. It's time for you to Be Brilliant...Be Bold...and Be Beautiful You!

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