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PHP, MySQL & JavaScript All In One, Sams Teach Yourself (6th Edition)

EN Computing, Internet & Digital Media 5 years ago 3118
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In just a short time, you can learn how to use PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript together to create dynamic, interactive websites and applications using three leading web development technologies.No previous programming experience is required. Using a straightforward, step-by-step approach, each lesson in this book builds on the previous ones, enabling you to learn the essentials of full-stack web application development – from HTML, CSS, and JavaScript on the front end, to PHP scripting and MySQL databases on the server.Regardless of whether you run Linux, Windows, or MacOS, the book includes complete instructions to install all the software you need to set up a stable environment for learning, testing, and production.Step-by-step instructions carefully walk you through the most common web application development tasks.Practical, hands-on examples show you how to apply what you learn.Quizzes and exercises help you test your knowledge and stretch your skills.Learn how to:• Build web pages with HTML5 and CSS• Use JavaScript to build dynamic, interactive web pages• Get PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript to work together to create modern, standards-compliant web applications• Enhance interactivity with AJAX• Leverage JavaScript libraries such as jQuery• Work with cookies and user sessions• Get user input with web-based forms• Use basic SQL commands• Interact with the MySQL database using PHP• Write maintainable code and get started with version control• Decide when frameworks such as Bootstrap, Foundation, React, Angular,and Laravel can be useful• Create a web-based discussion forum or calendar• Add a storefront and shopping cart to your siteContents at a GlancePART I Web Application Basics1 Understanding How the Web Works2 Structuring HTML and Using Cascading Style Sheets3 Understanding the CSS Box Model and Positioning4 Introducing JavaScript5 Introducing PHPPART II Getting Started with Dynamic Web Sites6 Understanding Dynamic Web Sites and HTML5 Applications7 JavaScript Fundamentals: Variables, Strings, and Arrays8 JavaScript Fundamentals: Functions, Objects, and Flow Control9 Understanding JavaScript Event Handling10 The Basics of Using jQueryPART III Taking Your Web Applications to the Next Level11 AJAX: Getting Started with Remote Scripting12 PHP Fundamentals: Variables, Strings, and Arrays13 PHP Fundamentals: Functions, Objects, and Flow Control14 Working with Cookies and User Sessions15 Working with Web-Based FormsPART IV Integrating a Database into Your Applications16 Understanding the Database Design Process17 Learning Basic SQL Commands18 Interacting with MySQL Using PHPPART V Getting Started with Application Development19 Creating a Simple Discussion Forum20 Creating an Online Storefront21 Creating a Simple Calendar22 Managing Web ApplicationsPART VI AppendixesA Installation QuickStart with XAMPPB Installing and Configuring MySQLC Installing and Configuring ApacheD Installing and Configuring PHP
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